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Community Resources

The following are articles that you might be interested in reading.

Oral Health & Learning

Dental Health Spanish

Emergency Plan

WCSD has worked very proactively to create safe schools. CLICK HERE to visit their website for an overview of the district’s planning.

Our District has created a flipchart that is available in each classroom as a reference for teachers. The flipchart can be found online here: WCSD Emergency Flipchart.

There are different emergency drills that we practice throughout the year:

  • Hold!  All students are to stay inside the classroom and continue school as usual.
  • Secure!  To provide safety from a threat outside of the building. Exterior and interior doors are locked and continue limited activities in the building.
  • Evacuate! Provide safety from threats inside the building (fire, etc.). Teachers will lead the students to the designated meeting area outside. If Parents and only individuals listed on the school emergency card will be allowed to pick up their students.
  • Shelter in Place!  Provide safety if there is a flood, earthquake, ect. Students and Staff will shelter inside the school until emergency services say it is safe.
  • Lockdown! Provide safety from active threats inside the building (disruptive or violent persons). All classrooms are closed and locked.
  • Reunification Circumstances may occur at the school that requires parents to pick up their students in a formalized, controlled release. Parents or guardians will be notified to come to pick up students. Identification will be needed to pick up students. 

If you ever have a safety concern with regard to Springdale Elementary, please contact Mr. Andersen directly.